Promote integration


So you’ve built your integration, successfully registered yourself as a partner on MoEngage, and are ready to make it live. Now? 

When you’ve spent so much time and effort in building an integration, you’ll want to ensure you’re giving it the best possible chance of success. 


Here are some tips on promoting your integration once it’s live:


Take advantage of the MoEngage Partner listing

After you are successfully registered as MoEngage partner, you will unlocks a number of benefits to help you drive more revenue, generate more leads, and retain more customers.


Write a blog post

In addition to your help document or landing page, a blog post is a great opportunity to show off your integration in more detail. Don’t just describe how your integration works, but focus on the benefits to your customers. Talk about - 

  • Why should they use the integration?
  • Does it save them time, money, pain?
  • Examples of workflows or customer success stories always go down well too! 
  • Use images/gifs/videos 

Promote on social

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn - wherever your target audience are, sharing on social is a great way to spread the news. Keep posts concise and benefits-focused, with images or gifs showing off your integration in action.

Message your customers

Targeted messaging to your customers - whether emails or in-app messages - is a great way to get people using your integation right away. Focus on messaging customers who are likely to get value from the integration or who you know are MoEngage customers.
Tip: You can start by focussing on customers or subscribers who’ve signed up for updates - please don’t message our customers without talking to us once. 

Still need help? 

You can always welcomed to reach out to us. You can work with our product marketing team to promote the integration. Feel free to write to us at 



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