WarningThis SDK built on top of analytics-android will no longer receive updates. We recommend you use the moengage-segment-kotlin-destination SDK built on top of analytics-kotlin. Refer to the moengage-segment-kotlin-destination documentation for more details. |
To enable its full functionality (like Push Notifications, InApp Messaging), there are still a couple of steps that you have to take care of in your Android app.
Build Settings
Add mavenCentral() repository in the project-level build.gradle file.
buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {
SDK Installation
Installing using Catalog
Integration using a Version Catalog is the recommended way of integration, refer to the Configure Version Catalog document to configure a catalog if not done already. Once you have configured the catalog add the dependency in the app/build.gradle file as shown below
dependencies {
Alternatively, you can add the dependency directly as shown below.
Installing using Artifact Id
Add the following dependency in the app/build.gradle file.
dependencies {
replace $sdkVersion with the appropriate SDK version
MoEngage SDK depends on the following Jetpack libraries provided by Google for its functioning, make sure you add them if it isn't already present in the application.
Refer to the Android SDK Configuration documentation to know more about the build config and other libraries used by the SDK.
Register MoEngage with Segment SDK:
After adding the dependency, you must register the integration with Segment SDK. To do this, import the MoEngage
import com.segment.analytics.android.integrations.moengage.MoEngageIntegration
import com.segment.analytics.android.integrations.moengage.MoEngageIntegration;
Add the following line:
val analytics = Analytics.Builder(this, "write_key")
Analytics analytics = new Analytics.Builder(this, "write_key")
How to Initialise MoEngage SDK:
Get Workspace ID from the Settings Page Dashboard --> Settings --> App --> General and initialize the MoEngage SDK in the Application class's onCreate()
Note: It is recommended that you initialize the SDK on the main thread inside onCreate() and not create a worker thread and initialize the SDK on that thread.
// this is the instance of the application class and "XXXXXXXXXXX" is the Workspace ID from the dashboard.
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXXX")
// this is the instance of the application class and "XXXXXXXXXXX" is the Workspace ID from the dashboard.
MoEngage moEngage = new MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXXX")
Data Center | Dashboard host |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_1 |
dashboard-01.moengage.com |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_2 |
dashboard-02.moengage.com |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_3 |
dashboard-03.moengage.com |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_4 |
dashboard-04.moengage.com |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_5 |
dashboard-05.moengage.com |
DataCenter.DATA_CENTER_6 |
dashboard-06.moengage.com |
Exclude MoEngage Storage File from Auto-Backup
Auto backup service of Andriod periodically backs up the Shared Preference file, Database files, and so on.
For more information, refer to Auto Backup.
The backup results in MoEngage SDK identifiers to be backed up and restored after re-install.
The restoration of the identifier results in your data being corrupted and the user not being reachable using push notifications.
To ensure data is not corrupted after a backup is restored, opt-out of MoEngage SDK storage files.
Refer to the Exclude MoEngage Storage File from Auto-Backup document to configure this.
Install/Update Differentiation
SDK needs support to enable the update by the user application or install the application.
You need to have a logic on the app side to distinguish between app INSTALL and UPDATE
//For Fresh Install of App
MoEAnalyticsHelper.setAppStatus(context, AppStatus.INSTALL)
// For Existing user who has updated the app
MoEAnalyticsHelper.setAppStatus(context, AppStatus.UPDATE)
//For Fresh Install of App
MoEAnalyticsHelper.INSTANCE.setAppStatus(context, AppStatus.INSTALL);
// For Existing user who has updated the app
MoEAnalyticsHelper.INSTANCE.setAppStatus(context, AppStatus.UPDATE);
How To Push Notifications:
Copy the Server Key from the FCM console and add it to the MoEngage Dashboard(Not sure where to find the Server Key refer to Getting FCM Server Key). To upload it, navigate to MoEngage Dashboard --> Settings --> Channel --> Push --> Mobile Push --> Android and add the Server Key and package name.
warning |
Important Ensure you add the keys both in the Test and Live environment. |
Adding metadata for push notification
Metadata regarding the notification is required to show push notifications where the small icon and large icon drawable are mandatory.
For more information about API references for all the possible options, refer to NotificationConfig.
Use the configureNotificationMetaData() to transfer the configuration to the SDK.
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon))
MoEngage moEngage = new MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(new NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon))
Ensure that the SDK is initialized with the metadata in the onCreate() of the Application class for push notifications to work.
info |
Notification Small Icon Guidelines Notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background. |
Configuring Firebase Cloud Messaging
For showing Push notifications there are 2 important things
1. Registration for Push, i.e. generating push token.
2. Receiving the Push payload from Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM) service and showing the notification on the device.
The above can either be handled by the application or MoEngage SDK. There is some configuration required based on whether the above-mentioned things are handled by the application or SDK.
Push Registration and Receiving handled by App
By default, MoEngage SDK attempts to register for push token, since your application is handling push you need to opt out of SDK's token registration.
How to opt out of MoEngage Registration?
To opt out of MoEngage's token registration mechanism disable token registration using configureFCM() API while configuring FCM in the MoEngage.Builder as described
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon, R.color.notiColor, null, true, isBuildingBackStackEnabled = false, isLargeIconDisplayEnabled = true))
MoEngage moEngage = new MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(new NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon, R.color.notiColor, "sound", true, true, true))
.configureFcm(new FcmConfig(false))
Pass the Push Token To MoEngage SDK
Your application would need to pass the Push Token received from FCM to the MoEngage SDK for the MoEngage platform to send out push notifications to the device.
Use the passPushToken() API to pass the push token to the MoEngage SDK.
MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().passPushToken(getApplicationContext(), token);
info |
Note Ensure token is passed to MoEngage SDK whenever push token is refreshed and on application update. Passing the token on the application update is important for migration to the MoEngage Platform. |
Passing the Push payload to the MoEngage SDK
To pass the push payload to the MoEngage SDK call the passPushPayload() API from the onMessageReceived() in the Firebase receiver.
Before passing the payload to the MoEngage SDK you should check if the payload is from the MoEngage platform using the isFromMoengagePlatfrom() helper API provided by the SDK.
if (MoEPushHelper.getInstance().isFromMoEngagePlatform(remoteMessage.data)){
MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().passPushPayload(applicationContext, remoteMessage.data)
// your app's business logic to show notification
if (MoEPushHelper.getInstance().isFromMoEngagePlatform(remoteMessage.getData())) {
MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().passPushPayload(getApplicationContext(), remoteMessage.getData());
// your app's business logic to show notification
Push Registration and Receiving handled by SDK
warning |
Important When token registration is handled by the SDK use firebase-messaging 23.0.0 or higher. |
Add the following code to the manifest file:
<service android:name="com.moengage.firebase.MoEFireBaseMessagingService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
warning |
Important At any point, your application manifest file should have only one service with intent filter com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT. If there is more than one service only the first service will receive the callback and MoEngage SDK might never receive the Push Payload resulting in poor delivery rates. |
We recommend you to add the callbacks in the onCreate() of the Application class since these callbacks can be triggered even when the application is in the background.
Token Callback
When MoEngage SDK handles push registration it optionally provides a callback to the application whenever a new token is registered or the token is refreshed.
To get the token callback implement the TokenAvailableListener and register for the callback using MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().addTokenListener().
Non-MoEngage Payload
If you are using the receiver provided by the SDK in your application's manifest file, SDK provides a callback in case a push payload is received for any other server apart from MoEngage Platform.
To get a callback implement the NonMoEngagePushListener and register for the callback using MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().addNonMoEngagePushListener.
Declaring and configuring Rich Landing Activity:
Add the following snippet and replace [PARENT_ACTIVITY_NAME]
with the name of the parent
activity; [ACTIVITY_NAME]
with the activity name which should be the parent of the Rich Landing Page
android:parentActivityName="[PARENT_ACTIVITY_NAME]" >
You are now all set up to receive push notifications from MoEngage. For more information on features provided in MoEngage Android SDK refer to the following links:
Use Identify to track user-specific attributes. It is equivalent to tracking user attributes on MoEngage. MoEngage supports traits supported by Segment as well as custom traits. If you set traits.id, we set that as the Unique ID for that user.
Use track to track events and user behavior in your app.
This will send the event to MoEngage with the associated properties. Tracking events is essential and will help you create segments for engaging users.
If your app supports the ability for a user to log out and log in with a new identity, then you’ll need to call reset for the Analytics client.
Sample Implementation
Refer to this GitHub repository for a sample implementation