

Heap is a product analytics platform, which allows customer success teams, marketers, and product managers to track user interactions within an app across all touchpoints in the user journeys.

MoEngage <> Heap

With the MoEngage and Heap integration, you can forward MoEngage events to Heap to do a more in-depth analysis of your user's interactions with your app to improve conversion as well as retention.




  • You would need to know your Heap data API limits.

Forward events on MoEngage to Heap

With MoEngage's Connector Campaigns, you can forward your events to Heap when they perform any action on your app or website.

To create a connector campaign on MoEngage, 

  1. Navigate to Create Campaign >> Connectors >> Custom and choose the delivery type most suitable to your needs. For this example, we will select "Event Triggered" and select the event as "Purchased".
  2. On step 2 of the campaign:

Call the Heap API

To send your event to Heap, use the POST method and configure the payload.

  • Select the method as POST
  • Headers
    • Content-Type: application/json
  • Add the endpoint as Webhook URL: https://heapanalytics.com/api/track
  • Body:
    Type @ to personalize your payload.
        "app_id": "<your_workspace_id>",
        "identity": "{{UserAttribute['Email (Standard)']}}",
        "event": "Purchase",
        "properties": {
            "item_names": "{{EventAttribute['Item Names']}}",
            "value": "{{EventAttribute['Value']}}"

Preview your request 

At this point, your campaign should be ready to test and send. You can also test your connector configuration using the Test functionality available in Step 2 of Create Connector Campaign.Screen_Shot_2022-02-22_at_11.12.42_AM.png

You can go ahead and Publish the campaign.



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